Organising committee


Prof. Pieter Spanoghe
Ghent University (UGent), Belgium
Head of dept. of Crop Protection Chemistry


Dr. Nathan De Geyter
Ghent University (UGent), Belgium
Strategic Engagement Manager

Advisory Board

Dr. John Unsworth
Consultancy / IUPAC, Global
Consultant / Chair IUPAC Committee on Crop Protection Chemistry
Division of Chemistry and the Environment/ Subcommittee on Crop Protection Chemistry

Dr. Kenneth Racke
Dow AgroSciences, USA
Global R&D Leader – Classic Herbicides and Insecticides

Dr. Laura L. McConnell
Bayer Crop Science, USA
Senior Scientist, Environmental Safety




Mr. John Aponte

Clariant, Switzerland 
Global Technical Marketing Crop Solutions

Mr. Jean-Philippe Azoulay

ECPA, Europe  
Director General

Ms. Eglė Baecke-Eimontaitė

Freshfel, Europe  
Director Food Quality, European Fresh Produce Association

Dr. Kaushik Banerjee

ICAR-National Research Centre for Grapes, India 
Principal Scientist, National Referral Laboratory on agrochemical residues in plant products

Prof. Claude Bragard

University Louvain-la-Neuve / Comité régional PHYTO, Belgium  
Research on Applied Microbiology

Dr. Clare Butler-Ellis

Silsoe Spray Applications Unit Ltd, UK 
Research Manager

Prof. Ettore Cap

Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy 
Full professor Faculty of Agriculture

Prof. Elizabeth Carazo

University of Costa Rica, Costa Rica 
Professor, Centro de Investigaciones en Contaminación Ambiental (CICA)

Dr. George P. Cobb

Baylor University, USA 
Chairman, Department of Environmental Science

Mr. Gary Dean

Envigo, UK 
Business Lead Consultant - Crop Protection

Dr. Tineke De Wilde / Ms. An Van Den Bosch

Arche Consulting, Belgium 
Project Manager

Dr. Stephen Duke

Research Leader

Dr. Rianda Gerritsen-Ebben

TNO, the Netherlands 
Senior project manager, Risk Analysis for Products in Development

Dr. Caroline A. Harris

Exponent International Ltd., UK 

Prof. Andrew Hewitt

The University of Queensland, Australia 
Senior Research Fellow

Dr. Ivo Hostens

CEMA, Europe  
Technical Director

Ir. Peter Jaecken

Phytofar, Belgium  
Secretary General

Prof. Dr. Peter Jeschke

Bayer AG, Germany 
Principal Scientist, Small Molecules Research, Pest Control Chemistry

Mr. Euros Jones

ERM, Europe  
Regulatory Consultant

Prof. Jeong H. Kim

Seoul National University, Korea 
Professor Dept. of Agricultural Biotechnology, Former President of Korean Society of Pesticide Science

Dipl. Chem. Dragica Kolovic

Galenika Fitofarmacija, Serbia 
Head of Research and Development

Prof. Rai Kookana

CSIRO Australia / University of Adelaide, Australia 
Vice President of IUPAC Chemistry and Environment Division

Prof. Lise Korsten

University of Pretoria, South Africa 
Co Director DST/NRF Centre of Excellence Food Security

Prof. Per Kudsk

Aarhus University, Denmark 
Head of Department of Agroecology - Crop Health

Ir. Jan Langenakens

General Manager

Prof. Frederic Lebeau

University of Liege - Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, Belgium 
Professor Dept. Biosystem Engineering

Ir. Hervé Legros

Redebel Regulatory Affairs, Belgium 
Registration and Regulatory Affairs Manager

Dr. Changling Liu

SYRICI (Sinochem), China 
Senior Research Fellow, R&D Director

Ms. Britt Maestroni

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) / Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Global  
Scientific Officer, Food and Environmental Protection Laboratory, Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture

Prof. Peter Maienfisch

Syngenta Crop Protection AG, Basel, Switzerland / East China Institute of Science & Technology (ECUST), Shanghai, China 
Research Portfolio Manager Insecticides & Seedcare / hon. Professor

Dr. Emilia Markellou

Benaki Phytopathological Institute (BPI), Greece 
Senior Researcher

Mr. Hans Mattaar

Pappas & Associates / AgroCare / ECCA, Europe  
Senior Advisor Technical Director

Dr. Negussie Megersa

​Addis Ababa University (AAU), Ethiopia 
​Project leader: Trace level analysis of pollutants

Prof. Hisashi Miyagawa

Kyoto University, Japan 

Dr. Ralf Nauen

Bayer AG, Germany 
Principal Scientist

Dr. Christophe Neumann

Crop Life International AISBL, Belgium
Director International Regulatory Affairs

Dr. David Nuyttens

Research Institute for Agriculture, fisheries and food (ILVO), Belgium 
Precision crop farming research engineer

Dr. Ir. Ellen Pauwelyn

Inagro, Belgium  
Coordinator Knowledge center Crop protection

Mr. Luc Peeters

Copa-Cogeca, Europe  
Chairman of the WP Phytosanitary issues

Dr. Ir. Wolfgang Reinert

European Commission
Head of Sector 'Pesticides - Placing on the market'

Dr. Najam A. Shakil

ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), New Delhi, India 
Principal Scientist, Agricultural Chemicals Division

Dr. Roland Solecki

Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, Germany  
Head of Department Pesticide Safety

Dr. Vincent Van Bol

FPS Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment, Belgium  
Coordinateur du Plan Fédéral de Réduction des Pesticides

Prof. Marnik van Clooster

University Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium  
Professor Environmental Sciences

Dr. Frederik van den Berg / Ir. Jan van de Zande

Wageningen University & Research, the Netherlands 
Senior Research Scientist

Dr. Eva Van Hende

Eastman Chemical Technology, Belgium   
Group Leader Application Development & Technical Service Crop Protection 

Prof. Jacob van Klaveren

National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), the Netherlands 
Senior Scientific Advisor

Prof. Zisis Vryzas

Democritus University of Thrace, Greece 
Head of Lab. Agricultural Pharmacology and Ecotoxicology

Prof. Yang Xinling

China Agricultural University (CAU), China 
Vice-head and General Secretary, Beijing Pesticide Society

Prof. David Zaruk

Université Saint-Louis Bruxelles and Odisee (part of KULeuven)  
Professor in communications

Prof. Vania G. Zuin

Federal University of Sao Carlos, Brazil 
Head of the Green Chemistry Group within the Natural Products Group, Department of Chemistry