Scientific Committee Topic 9

International Chair

National Chair

Ralf Nauen, Bayer

Thomas van Leeuwen, UGent




Fungicides: Mode of action and resistance

Geert Haesaert, UGent

Andreas Mehl, Bayer

Hisashi Miyagawa, Kyoto University

Nenad Trkulja, Institute for Plant Protection and Environment, Belgrade

Frank van den Bosch, Rothamsted Research


Herbicides: Mode of action and resistance

Franck Dayan, Colorado State University

Benny de Cauwer, UGent

Stephen Duke, USDA-ARS

Harry Strek, Bayer


Insecticides: Mode of action and resistance

Jeff Bloomquist, University of Florida

Andrew Crossthwaite, Syngenta

Kazuhiko Matsuda, Kindai University

Ralf Nauen, Bayer

Thomas C. Sparks, Dow AgroSciences LLC


Nematicides: Mode of action and resistance

Florian Grundler, University of Bonn

Lindy Holden-Dye, University of Southampton

Tim Thoden, DuPont

Wim Wesemael, UGent


Genome based technologies in MoA and resistance research

Chris Bass, University of Exeter

Richard Dale, Syngenta

Thomas Van Leeuwen, UGent

John Vontas, Agricultural University of Athens

Wu Yidong, Nanjing Agricultural University