Submission deadline extended until 25 June

Manuscript instructions for publication in Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences

Presenting authors who are not present at the IUPAC 2019 Congress are not allowed to publish their work in the proceedings of the Congress afterwards.

Please note that the full papers and extended abstracts will not be edited. Especially if English is not your native language, please make sure that spelling and grammar have been carefully edited.

Please note that the “Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences” is not a peer-reviewed journal. After the conference, selected papers will be invited to publish in a special issue of the peer-reviewed journal “Pest Management Science”.


There is no page limit for Full Papers.

Authors who prefer not to submit a full paper are requested to submit an extended abstract of their presentation for inclusion in the Proceedings. Extended abstracts should be 3-4 pages and should summarize the objectives, the methods used, the results obtained and the main conclusions of the research.

Instructions for writing papers

Full papers should consist of the following sections: summary, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, acknowledgement, references. Papers are written in English (official language of the Symposium); title and summary in another language can be included after the references.

Graphs have to be supplied in their original file format (Excel). If really necessary (and this is not preferred), digital versions of figures can be supplied in jpeg format (at least 300 dpi). Avoid if possible the use of tints; if shading is essential to understand the figure, try to make it coarse. When figures are made in a spread sheet like excel (Note: the minimum line thickness must be 1 pt), enclose the file. The proceedings are printed in black and white, don’t use colours or coloured lines for your graphics, bars in graphics should be filled with a pattern instead of a colour. Each graph is maximum 12 cm in width.

Photographs and drawings should be unmounted and have good contrast. Alternatively, good-quality computer-generated photographs may be sent. If used, please send digital versions of your photographs. They have to be supplied in jpeg format (at least 300 dpi). Each complete photograph should be placed in a separate file. Illustrations in colour cannot be accepted. Photographs should be scanned at a resolution of at least 300 dpi. Each photograph and/or drawing is maximum 12 cm in width.

Figures and photograph captions should be numbered in separate series and referred to with Arabic numerals in the text as "Figure 1", etc.. Figure legends should be self-explanatory and grouped together on a separate sheet. Subdivisions within figures should be labelled with lower-case letters, e.g. a, b and c, etc. and they should also be used in the figure captions, footnotes and the text.


  • Line spacing should be 1.
  • Main titles (summary, introduction, ...) should be in capitals and boldface; do not use numbering for titles and subtitles.
  • Make sure that all characters that are to be typeset in italic are italic.
  • Use hard returns only at the end of each paragraph and after titles.
  • Make sure that all text is flush left; do not centre any text.
  • Do not use forced page break.
  • Place captions of figures below the figures.
  • Place captions of tables above the tables.
  • Do not include tables as a figure, use the table function of the text editor.

References are listed in alphabetical order, authors are put in SmalCaps and volume numbers in Bold. Please respect the sequence of author, year, title, reference and page numbers

Example references:

BALMAS V., DELOGU G., SPOSITO S., RAU D. & MIGHELI Q. (2006). Use of a complexation of tebuconazole with beta-cyclodextrin for controlling foot and crown rot of durum wheat incited by Fusarium culmorum. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry. 54(2):480-484.

EDWARDS S.G., PIRGOZLIEV S., HARE M. & JENKINSON P. (2001). Quantification of trichothecene-producing Fusarium species in harvested grain by competitive PCR to determine efficacies of fungicides against Fusarium head blight of winter wheat. Applied and environmental microbiology. 67(4):1575-1580.

Download examples

To be sure you have all the necessary information on your paper submission you can always download this example to compare with.

WORD-document (210kB)

PDF-document (302kB)

WORD-template (57kB)

Where to upload your Full Paper or Extended Abstract

Authors received the upload link by email. Copy this link in your browser and use the same log-in email and password as for the abstract submission.