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IUPAC’s news magazine: Chemistry International

The short report on the Ghent 2019 Congress has now been published in the October issue of IUPAC’s news magazine.


The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) federation has organized congresses on diverse topics related to chemistry for one hundred years. The 2019 IUPAC Crop Protection congress was held from May 19–24 at the International Convention Center in Ghent, Belgium (Figure 1). This meeting assembled crop health experts to share their expertise and discuss emerging issues of global significance in agriculture. This year’s meeting was particularly large, as it included the 14th International IUPAC Congress on Crop Protection, the European Crop Protection Association (ECPA), and the International Symposium of Crop Protection (ISCP).

Costly cancer lawsuits may spur search to replace world's most common weed killer

"Total fear and shock." That's how Andrew Kniss, a weed scientist at the University of Wyoming in Laramie, describes the reaction of farmers to recent courtroom defeats suffered by a leading manufacturer of glyphosate, the world's most widely used herbicide. Agricultural researchers are also worried, he says. They fear the loss of a compound that is crucial for controlling weeds and conserving soil. The scientists and farmers "are really nervous that these verdicts and public perception could cause them to lose this tool."

Launch of Mobile App IUPAC 2019

As of today you can download the Congress App IUPAC 2019 and receive regular updates. 

The IUPAC 2019 App is your ideal companion during the Congress. From a list of sessions with speaker bios, to matchmaking, live polling & attendee messaging, ... the IUPAC App has it all.

Take the opportunity to visit ILVO on Wednesday, 22 May

The Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (ILVO) performs multidisciplinary, innovative and independent research aimed at economically, ecologically and socially sustainable agriculture and fisheries. Building on more than 85 years of fundamental and applied research experience, ILVO can count on the expertise and knowledge of almost 600 employees and a large infrastructure: 200 hectares of experimental fields, 15,000 m² of glasshouses, more than 20,000 m² of experimental animal housing, and so on.

EU decision on genome editing has major impact on innovation in crop protection

The European court has ruled that new gene-editing techniques should face the same strict rules as genetically modified organisms (GMO’s). Those techniques and especially CRISPR/Cas, are seen as promising ways to improve crop tolerance towards pests and climate stress. Gene editing works by making a very precise and small genetic change in one single gene. The new ruling makes it more difficult or even impossible for companies to introduce new gene-edited crops on the market because GMO registration procedures in the EU require traceability of modified plants. However, for CRISPR crops this is often not possible.

Call for Abstracts - Deadline extended until 15 December 2018

The deadline for the submission of abstracts for IUPAC 2019 has been extended until 15 December 2018.

We look forward to receiving your abstract(s).

Good formulation can reduce crop protection volatilization by up to 80%

Crop protection products help farmers protect their harvest and are therefore one important element to promote sustainable food production. Unfortunately, a part of the applied products will be gone with the wind before they can ever serve this goal. This not only incurs a cost for the farmer, but also a cost for society via contamination of the environment and potential effects on human health. However, Ghent University investigated crop protection formulation and discovered that a well-considered formulation can reduce the post-application volatilization of crop protection products by up to 80%.

Maybe the oldest symposium on crop protection in the world

The International Symposium on Crop protection (ISCP) is a yearly symposium organised at Ghent University in Belgium that focuses on new developments in all aspects of crop protection. As the 71st edition of this symposium is coming up in 2019, it is clear that this symposium with its long history has built up a unique position in the world. There is probably no other international symposium that has such a long tradition of science communication in the crop protection domain dating back to 1948. Next year, the 71st edition will be organised as a joined venture with the IUPAC 2019 International Conference on Crop Protection Chemistry.   

Nematodes: pest or bio-pesticide?

Nematodes are the most abundant multicellular organisms on earth, so it hardly comes by surprise that some of those organisms are harmful and others beneficial for crops. During the 33th symposium of the European Society of Nematologists (ESN), more than 400 nematologists were gathered at the University of Ghent to discuss different nematode-related topics, including their function in crop-protection, which will also be addressed during the IUPAC 2019 congress on crop protection.  

pcgroenteteelt opens its doors for the IUPAC participants

On the occasion of the IUPAC Congress, pcgroenteelt opens its doors for the field excursion on Wednesday May 22, 2019.
Founded in 1977, PCG has been one of Flanders's fastest growing centres for applied research and extension services in vegetable production. PCG, an institution financed by the Flemish government and private institutions, carries out applied research on vegetables (field trials as well as sensory analysis) and provides growers with advice and a wide range of services of their interest, in accordance with economic and social developments.

From student award to crop protection expert

Ever heard of the butterfly effect or how a small seed can turn into an inspirational personal story? We sat down with Ghent University professor Pieter Spanoghe and traced back the steps that led him to his current path as crop protection expert and chair of the 14th IUPAC Conference on Crop Protection Chemistry. A story about how a fascination for antique farm tools resulted in winning a European Student Award trip to Basel and the realization of two dreams

The rise of alternatives to crop protection chemistry

How to implement mechanised or biological weed control in agriculture? How to gradually use biological stress as a crop protection strategy? Last week, at the 70th edition of the International Symposium on Crop Protection (ISCP) at Ghent University, these questions were addressed during some inspiring plenary talks. This annual event is an ideal opportunity to meet over 400 international experts in crop protection and to discuss the latest innovations in the crop protection field.

Biosystems @ KU Leuven is opening its doors for the field excursion

KU Leuven is a university with international appeal, ranking among the best 50 universities worldwide with a strong focus on innovation. At the department of Biosystems, different groups of the divisions of Crop Biotechnics and Mechantronics and Sensors perform R&D towards sustainable solutions for producing and supplying healthy agrofood to the consumer.

Visit a major partner of the UV-ROBOT project - PSKW

A field trip to a major partner of the INTERREG project 'UV-ROBOT'. This project will revolutionize IPM strategies for greenhouse crops. Research has shown that UV-C light can effectively control powdery mildew in strawberry and other crops and acts as a sustainable alternative to some crop protection products. The project’s aim is to develop a fully autonomous vehicle to fight mildew with UV-C in strawberry, tomato, cucumber, lettuce and basil.

Seed treatment with neonicotinoids has the least effect on pollinators

Seed treatment is a widespread and effective way to control diseases and plagues. However, the use of neonicotinoids in crop protection is strongly associated with the decrease of bees and other pollinators. That is why Europe has strict limits on its use. To check if seed treatment exerts the same pressure on pollinators, a study was conducted by professor Pieter Spanoghe at Ghent University (UGent). Results show that the examined substances are not found in the flowers of the crop, nor in the beeswax or the beebread.

Inagro welcomes IUPAC participants for the field excursion

Inagro is a research and knowledge center in agriculture and horticulture in the heart of the province of West Flanders in Belgium. Inagro represents more than 60 years of experience in agricultural research and farmer advice, 205 specialized staff members, 170 demonstration and information activities, 410 field trials and over 60.000 laboratory analyses per annum.

A new field excursion - PCS Ornamental Plant Research

PCS Ornamental Plant Research confirmed us for a field excursion on their site in Destelbergen. PCS is the tree nursery, floriculture & landscaping sector’s independent knowledge centre in Flanders. Our research, information and services focus on issues and problems in the tree nursery, floriculture and landscaping industry and are aimed at encouraging innovation among growers and landscapers.

Exposure to indoor insecticide sprays is much larger than via residues on food

Around 800 tons of household products to fight against insects are sold in Belgium every year. However, it appears that the indoor use of these insecticides could be more harmful for your health than initially thought. Commissioned by the Superior Health Council, professor Pieter Spanoghe of Ghent University (UGent) and some other experts investigated this matter.

The first field excursion is a fact - pcfruit!

On Tuesday May 22th 2019, the delegates will have the possibility to register for a field excursion, combined with a site visit nearby. We can already announce you the first destination: pcfruit npo, recognized as center of excellence in fruit research.

Regulatory joins science at IUPAC 2019

We are pleased to announce that the European Crop Protection Association (ECPA) 2019 Regulatory Conference will be organised in cooperation with IUPAC 2019. "We need to work together and return to a scientific facts-based discussion. R&D and regulation are two sides of the same coin" - Jean-Philippe Azoulay, Director General of ECPA

Severe procedures ensure safe crop protection products

‘Pesticides eradicate our bees’, ‘Glyphosate is carcinogenic’ and ‘Toxic pesticides cocktail is present on our fruit’. These are only a few of the blunt headlines concerning crop protection products. Is it rightful to fear these products or are they not as bad as people seem to think? Prof. Pieter Spanoghe from Ghent University and Maarten Trybou from the Federal Department of Public Health in Belgium give some guidance.

Some fact-based perspective on the influence of Monsanto on regulation

Global agrochemical player Monsanto tampered with some research studies that had to proof the safety of the herbicide Roundup containing glyphosate. According to professor Pieter Spanoghe from Ghent University, the company only had a small influence on the final authorisation. More general education and transparent communication on the regulatory process of crop protection products would benefit everybody. That is why education is also the theme of a global crop protection conference he is organising in 2019.

Education on crop protection is key for a more sustainable future

The International Symposium on Crop Protection (ISCP) at Ghent University yearly focuses on the latest innovations in crop protection. For the 69th edition many international universities and some industrial partners, like Eastman, Clariant & Bayer, were present to share their vision on the future of crop protection. All agreed that new technologies and further research on crop protection are crucial to obtain a more sustainable agriculture.