A new field excursion - PCS Ornamental Plant Research

PCS Ornamental Plant Research confirmed us for a field excursion on their site in Destelbergen. PCS is the tree nursery, floriculture & landscaping sector’s independent knowledge centre in Flanders. Our research, information and services focus on issues and problems in the tree nursery, floriculture and landscaping industry and are aimed at encouraging innovation among growers and landscapers.
The centre works closely with national and international research institutions, in order to make new knowledge quickly useful. PCS provides crop protection trials to support registration in ornamental plants, and informs growers on safe use, efficacy and plant safety for a wide variety of ornamental plants.
PCS is a founding member of Technopool Sierteelt, a partnership that brings together the entire research landscape in Flemish floriculture, and is an active partner in Agrolink, the Flemish research network for the agricultural and horticultural industry.
Find more about PCS on their website