Launch of Mobile App IUPAC 2019

As of today you can download the Congress App IUPAC 2019 and receive regular updates.
The IUPAC 2019 App is your ideal companion during the Congress. From a list of sessions with speaker bios, to matchmaking, live polling & attendee messaging, ... the IUPAC App has it all.
Depending on your device, you can start downloading one of the following links:
- iPhone - Android - Webapp
To log in, please make sure you are registered for the Congress as you will need the following information:
- Login: emailaddress you registered with
- Password: reference number of your Congress registration
As you now have acces to all the available Congress Information, make sure your profile is updated. Have a look at the bottom of the menu, open MY PROFILE, click on PERSONAL INFO and add any fields that may not have been completed and you wish to share with other attendees. You can even add a picture by clicking EDIT at the top of the page, underneath your initials.
Would you like to have a look who else is coming to the Congress? Just go to the menu ATTENDEES to know who is registered at the moment.
By clicking on the name, you can already send a message or a meeting request in one of the provided meeting locations (mentioned in the menu INFO).
Closer to the Congress, the Final Programme will be added.