The first field excursion is a fact - pcfruit!

On Tuesday May 22th 2019, the delegates will have the possibility to register for a field excursion, combined with a site visit nearby. We can already announce you the first destination: pcfruit npo, recognized as center of excellence in fruit research.

Pcfruit is located in the heart of the fruit growing area of Belgium and covers applied scientific research, demonstration activities to growers, co-development programs with various kinds of industries and advisory services for fruit growers. All these activities are centralized at one location of 62 hectares with suitable infrastructure such as labs, greenhouses, storage facilities, plastic tunnels, shelters, warehouses and orchards. Research is exclusively on fruit crops : mainly pears, apples, strawberries, cherries, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, currants and viticulture but also some minor (in view of their national acreage) small fruit and stone fruit crops.

Pcfruit has a 75-year track record of evaluating new technologies and judging them on added value to fruit growing. Companies (from SME to multinational) are offered various services going from lab research, proof of concept development to official efficacy field studies. The most hot-topic research projects and achievements for the fruit sector in areas such as crop protection, biological control, IPM, plant nutrition, application technology, variety evaluation, precision agriculture, etc. will be discussed and demonstrated in an outdoor field tour and guided by the principal investigators.

Find more about pcfruit on their website