Visits & Networking

Sunday, May 19

Welcome Reception

Monday, May 20

City tour

Tuesday, May 21

Open Evening @ Syngenta Ghent Innovation Center

Wednesday, May 22

Field excursion

Option 1: pcfruit npo, center of excellence in fruit research

Option 2: PCS Ornamental Plant Research, the tree nuresery, floriculture & landscaping sector’s independent knowledge centre in Flanders

Option 3: Inagro, a research and knowledge center in agriculture and horticulture

Option 4: PSKW Research Station for Vegetable Production, a research centre on the cultivation of greenhouse and field vegetables

Option 5: Biosystems @ KU Leuven, Biotechnics, sensors and mechatronics for plant health and quality in production and the supply chain

Option 6: PCgroenteteelt, one of Flanders's fastest growing centres for applied research and extension services in vegetable production

Option 7: Bayer ForwardFarm, a Bayer concept which demonstrates solutions for a more sustainable agriculture

Option 8: Belchim Trial Station, a European knowledge center for ongoing education

Option 9: UGent Demonstration Farm, a well-equipped facility carrying out multidisciplinary and innovative fundamental and applied agricultural research

Option 10: ILVO, The Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (ILVO)

Thursday, May 23

Banquet / Awards