
Fraser Stoddart - winner Nobel Prize Chemistry 2016

US, Northwestern University

Yemi Adeyeye - Director of YPARD

Italy, YPARD

Vytenis Andriukaitis - EU Commissioner on Food & Health

Lithuania, Health & Food Safety - European Commission

Klaus Berend - Head of Unit in the European Commission

Belgium, Health & Food Safety - European Commission

Allan Buckwell - Research director RISE Foundation

Belgium, RISE Foundation Brussels

Fiona Chandler - Consultant

Canada, Consultant in agricultural research

Eduardo Cuoco - Director of IFOAM EU

Belgium, IFOAM EU

Hubert Deluyker - Former EFSA Scientific Adviser

Belgium, ex-EFSA

Joost Dessein - Professor at the Department of Agricultural Economics

Belgium, Ghent University and ILVO

Rajan Gajaria - Executive Vice President for Corteva Agriscience™

US, Corteva Agriscience

Nuri Gras - Head of Chilean Food Safety & Quality Agency

Chile, Chilean Food Safety and Quality Agency

Monica Höfte - Head of the laboratory of Phytopathology at the Department of Plants and Crops

Belgium, Ghent University

Aimee Hood - Science Communicator

US, Bayer Crop Science

Ilaina Khairulzaman - Head of international public engagement

Ireland, Sense about Science

Jannes Maes - President of the European Council of Young Farmers

Belgium, CEJA

Pamela Marrone - CEO of Marrone Bio Innovations

US, Marrone Bio Innovations

Hlamalani Ngwenya - CEO of Facilitation of Systemic Change Consulting

South Africa, University of Free Estate

Danielle Nierenberg - Co-Founder Food Tank

US, Food Tank

Femi Oke - Professional Moderator

US, Moderate The Panel

Pieter Spanoghe - Head of Research Group Crop Protection Chemistry

Belgium, Ghent University

Jacob Van den Borne - Farmer & CEO of Van den Borne Aardappelen

The Netherlands, Van den Borne Aardappelen

Marc Van Montagu - Winner World Food Prize in 2013

Belgium, Ghent University

Sofie Vanthournout - Director of Voedselteams

Belgium, Voedselteams

Danny Van Quaethem - Senior Analyst and Fund Manager of Econopolis

Belgium, Econopolis

Dick Veerman - moderator of Foodlog

The Netherlands, Foodlog

Qian Xuhong - President of East China Normal University

China, East China Normal University (ECNU)

David Zaruk - The Risk-Monger

Belgium, Odisee University College