Allan Buckwell - Research director RISE Foundation
Belgium, RISE Foundation Brussels
Lecturer, Newcastle University 1970-84,
Professor of Agricultural Economics, Wye College, London, 1984-99,
Policy Director, Country Land and Business Association, 2000-11,
Senior Research Fellow, Institute for European Environmental Policy, 2012 –
Research director at the RISE Foundation, Brussels 2012 -
I specialise in European rural and food policy, especially the CAP, trade, technology, environment and structural change in farming.
Principal interest is balancing the food production and environmental land management roles of agriculture in Britain, Europe, and indeed, globally.
Current project: Crop Protection in the EU – where now?
Previous projects indicating my interests: Where is the Safe Operating Space for EU Livestock? CAP beyond 2020 – thinking outside the box (2017); Nutrient Recovery and Reuse in EU agriculture (2015); Sustainable Intensification of EU Agriculture (2013), Public goods from Private Land (2009).