Hlamalani Ngwenya - CEO of Facilitation of Systemic Change Consulting
South Africa, University of Free Estate
Name: |
NGWENYA, Hlamalani (known as Hlami) |
Nationality: |
South African |
Email address: |
Twitter: |
@NgwenyaHlami |
MSc Consumer Sciences (2002, Potchefstroom University, South Africa); Bachelor of Honours Consumer Sciences (1997, Potchefstroom University, South Africa); Bachelor of Education (1992, University of Zululand, South Africa); Senior Secondary teacher’s diploma (1992, University of Zululand, South Africa).
Professional experiences
Currently she is a Lecturer at the University of Free State, South Africa (Centre for Sustainable Agriculture) and an International Development Consultant. She is also Social Entrepreneur and Founder of Facilitation of Systemic Change Consulting (www.foscc.co.za).
She has over 25 years of international experience in Education and the broader Agriculture, Food, Nutrition Security, Natural Resources Management and Climate Change Adaptation. Her interest and areas of expertise include: Youth & Gender mainstreaming, Agric Extension and Advisory Services (AES), Agricultural Education and Training (AET), Research and Development (including action research), Organisational Development and Change Management, Strategic planning; Facilitation of Innovation Platforms, Cooperative Governance; Knowledge Management & Communications; 21st Century Skills development, Systemic Competence Development & Personal Mastery/ Soft skills; Facilitation of Policy Dialogues, Multi-Stakeholder Engagement workshops and seminars at National and International levels.
She has done assignments in 45 countries and has facilitated more than 200 multi-stakeholder engagements worldwide. She has also supported a wide range of organisations in their strategic planning processes, Knowledge Management, change management and other functional processes. Her recent flagship project is leading the New Extensionist Initiative of the Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services (www.g-fras.org).
Social responsibility
As part of her social responsibility she serves as a resource in a number of initiatives and invited as a speaker at global events.
Started a campaign on PERFECT opportunities in Agriculture, Food, Nutrition and Natural Resources Sector. Aimed at expanding the narrow view of agriculture beyond farming. PERFECT is used as an acronym for Policy, Education, Research, Finance/Farming, Extension & advisory services, Communications/ICTs, Technologies/ Trades
Between 2016 to date she was profiled in national radio stations, TV channels and international online platforms to inspire people and youth in particular.
Advisory Role and Working Groups
- Citrus Industry Trust (CIT), South Africa (Current); NUFFIELD International, South Africa Chairperson (Current); Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services (GFRAS)’s Consortium for Education and Training
- Advisor for GFRAS Youth Working Group (Current)
- Member of Agri-Food Network , Talent Development in Agriculture working group (Current)
- JOLISAA- JILAC advisory circle (Member June 2011 to 2013)
- InSARD Advisory Group (Member October 2011 to 2013)
Selected publications
Peer reviewed Journals
Ncube, M., Madubula, N., Ngwenya, H., Zinyengere, N., Zhou, L., Francis, J. et al., (2016), ‘Climate change, household vulnerability and smart agriculture: The case of two South African provinces’, Jàmbá: Journal of Disaster Risk Studies 8(2), Art. #182, 14 pages. http://dx.doi.org/10.4102/jamba.v8i2.182
Swaans, K., B. Cullen, A. van Rooyen, A. Adekunle, H. Ngwenya, Z. Lemma and S. Nederlof. (2013). Paper. Dealing with critical challenges in African innovation platforms: lessons for facilitation. Knowledge Management for Development Journal 9(3): 116-135
Ngwenya, H. J and Hagmann, J (2011) Making Innovation systems work in Practice: Experience in integrating innovations, social learning and knowledge in innovation platforms. Knowledge Management for Development Journal, 7:1, 109-124
Book Chapters
G Klein, H Ngwenya, E Chuma and J Hagmann. (2011). Developing leadership for Climate Change: An intergrated learning approach. In I, Mapaure, B.J., Mhango and D.K Mulenga (eds): Mitigation and Adaptation strategies to Climate Change. RAEIN- AFRICA, Namibia. p233-242.
Ngwenya, H.J and Hagmann, J. (2009). Facilitation for Change: Triggering emancipation and Innovation in rural communities in South Africa. In Scoones, I., Thompson, J and R. Chambers (eds): Farmer First Revisited: Innovation for agricultural research and development. Practical Action Publishing. p.220-237. United Kingdom.
Ngwenya H., J. Hagmann and J. Ramaru (2008) “Going to scale with facilitation for change: developing competence to facilitate community emancipation and innovation in South Africa”, in Sanginga P., A. Waters-Bayer, S. Kaaria, J. Njuki and C Wettasinha (eds.) Innovation Africa: enriching farmers’ livelihood, Earthscan Publications Limited, London, UK: p340-357.
Recent articles and Blogs
Ngwenya, H. and M.O. Akeredolu (2017). Rural Advisory Services Curriculum Development. Note 28. GFRAS Global Good Practice Notes for Extension and Advisory Services. GFRAS: Lausanne, Switzerland.
Terblanche, S. and H. Ngwenya (2017). Professionalisation of Rural Advisory Services. Note 27. GFRAS Global Good Practice Notes for Extension and Advisory Services. GFRAS: Lausanne, Switzerland
Hlamalani Ngwenya (18 July 2017) The forge of ingenuity: social entrepreneurs innovate through challenges http://bit.ly/2pGTjJk
Hlamalani Ngwenya (2017) Broadening Young People’s Lens on Agriculture
Hlamalani Ngwenya, et al (13 March 2017) Interdisciplinary lessons from the South Africa Regional Research team.
Hlami Ngwenya (April, 2016) My social media “Aha! moment”…
Hlamalani Ngwenya (8 July 2015) “PERFECT” opportunities for youth in Agriculture - Bridging the knowledge gap in Farming through the Radio http://bit.ly/2lf2vPv