Jacob Van den Borne - Farmer & CEO of Van den Borne Aardappelen
The Netherlands, Van den Borne Aardappelen
Van den Borne Aardappelen is a farm which grows about 550 ha of potatoes in the region Mol – Reusel, on the border between Belgium and The Netherlands. Besides potatoes also maize and sugar beets are cultivated. Under the leadership of Jacob van de Borne, the company strongly focusses on precision agriculture.
Within all components of the growing cycle precision agriculture techniques are applied at van den Borne Aardappelen. To increase his knowledge Jacob van den Borne works closely together with a number of knowledge and research institutions but also with several R&D teams of agricultural mechanisation companies.
Jacob often gives lectures at home and abroad to share his knowledge and experience. He also supports and provides advice to other farmers in precision agriculture by means of his subsidiary LoonwerkGPS.
Jacob van den Borne, owner of van den Borne Aardappelen, is an arable farmer in the south of Brabant. He is a pioneer in the implementation of precision agriculture, technique and data: he provides company details through the cloud, flies drones over his fields and uses satellite data for precision agriculture. He graduated in 2004 as a Bachelor in Arable Farming from HAS University of Applied Sciences in Den Bosch.
IUPAC Presentation
Which data are hidden within an arable farm? Jacob will guide you through the rich world of precision data, a world that is waiting to be harvested by programmers, graphic and interface designers!
During this presentation Jacob van den Borne will describe all the components of precision agriculture as they are applied at van den Borne Aardappelen. Throughout his lecture, Jacob will challenge the audience with new insights in (precision) agriculture, where the focus will not only be on the latest technological developments, but mostly on the lessons that can be learned from the past.